Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Love (Sermon March 15, 2020)

Going Deeper
By Pat Russell

“Love” – 1 John 4:7-21
Sermon by Pastor Bruce Spear

During Lent, which means “spring,” Pastor Bruce is leading us through some “spring housecleaning” of our souls.  How are you loving these days?  Let’s see if we can let in more of the fresh air of love into our souls.

Here’s a little quiz from this past Sunday’s sermon.  How much do you know about “love”?  Can you answer these questions?
What did you hear from PB this past Sunday? 
1.     In this passage from 1 John, the word ________ is mentioned ____ times.
2.     “Love does not have anything to do with what WE DO to earn it, because love __________ from God.”
3.     From verse 16: “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”  From PB: “Live a ________ of love.”  If you do this, then you reveal that you are living in God and God is living in you.
4.     Verse 18: “There is no _______ in love.”  What drives out ______?  ________  _______.
5.     Name your biggest fear during this season when we are dealing with the corona virus.___________________________________________________________________.
6.     Can you complete this sentence?  “Live in the house of _______ _______, not in the house of _________.”  Now explain what this means to you.
7.     Why does ________ ______ drive out ________?  (Answer in verse 18).
8.     How does our love become perfect? PB said that the word “perfect” means “made complete.” 
9.     Explain why we love in the first place. ________________________________________ 
10.  Re-read the Jen Wilken quote from our handout.  Write down the sentence that means the most to you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Spend some time meditating on that sentence.
11.  Talk to God about your desire to love in this difficult time in our world.

If you completed this “quiz,” please send your results to me.  I would love to read your answers and thoughts and might even comment back! J
Written by Pat Russell in follow-up to the sermon.

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